Github see commit history
Github see commit history

github see commit history

In this example we will look file ip.c which is expected to be committed. We will use - and provide file names which is expected to be in commit change. If we are looking for specific file change during commit we can filter for file. $ git log -grep="http" Filter By Message Filter By File In this example we will filter author named dmiller. We will use -author and provide the author name to filter and show only given author. In some cases we may need to filter commits according to the author name. $ git log -pretty="%cn committed %h on %cd" Pretty Print Filter By Author In this example we will use %cn for author name %h hash value of commit and %cd for commit time. We can use -pretty option and som parameters to print different log output. We can also customize the log output according to our needs. $ git shortlog -n -s Sort Authors By Commit Numbers Pretty Print We will add -n too the previous example where final command will be like below. We can improve previous example and sort authors by their commit numbers. $ git shortlog -s Show Author Commit Numbers Sort Authors By Commit Numbers If we are interested with the authors commit numbers we need to provide -s options to the shortlog command.This will provides commit numbers for each authors. $ git shortlog Group Commits By Author Show Author Commit Numbers We can use shortlog command in order to list commits notes grouped by author name. If we want to inspect the commits according to the author name we need to group commits by author. $ git show -stat b1efd742499b00eef970feeef84dc64f301db61f Show/Print Specific Commit Stats Group Commits By Author If we cant to just print specific commit stat and information we can provide -stat option to the git show command.


Also added code lines start with +plus and removed code lines starts with - minus. Added code color is green and removed code is red. We see from screenshot that added and removed code is shown clearly.


$ git log -p Print Patch or Diff Information p option can be used to print path or diff of the files for the commits. If we are interested with the code diff information we need to use -p option. We can see from output that extra information like changed file, changed file count, number of lines added, number of lines deleted. We may need to print information about the commit in details. $ git log -oneline List One Commit Per Line Print Statistics If we need to only list unique part of the commit id with the note provided by author we can use -oneline option which will just print single line about each commit. The last line provides note and information about the commit.

github see commit history

`Date` specifies when the commit occurred.`Commit` number which is a unique hash identifies the commit.We can see from output that following information about the commit provided. This will list all commit history in a interactive terminal where we can see and navigate.

github see commit history

We will start with git log command without any parameter.

github see commit history

In this tutorial we will examine git log command usage in detail with examples. We can use git log command in order to list, filter, view commit history in different ways. One of the most important and useful features is log or history. If you're able to share the two revisions of this file, opening a connect bug or emailing them to me directly would help investigate further.Git source code versioning tool provides a lot of features. If I had to guess, I would guess that there's a whitespace or line ending issue, because that's always a problem in Git.

  • There's some bug here where Visual Studio is not calculating the similarity correctly.
  • This file is very near the edge of similarity - say, Git has decided that the two revisions are 61% similar to each other and are thus a rename, while Visual Studio has decided that the two revisions are merely 59% similar, and thus are not a rename.
  • I'd be curious why one reports this as a rename and the other does not.


    However, Visual Studio and Git for Windows should agree on these things, generally speaking. Since this is a heuristic, it's not guaranteed that this will be deemed to be a rename. If they are sufficiently similar, then Git will deem this a rename. Instead, this is calculated by comparing the file in the original commit to the file in the subsequent commit. Thus, there is no rename information in the repository's history. However, Git does not track changes between two commits - instead, it compares the snapshots of the commits to determine how files have changed. Here, I've renamed a single file from its original name to renamed, and made a change to the contents at the same time: Visual Studio does follow history between two commits to determine if a file is renamed.

    Github see commit history